V'thyra Lharah

✷ of the Scarlet Spire ✷

Adventure - Combat - Long Term

◈ VOLUME WARNING: Turn down the volume or risk LOUD NOISES. ◈


Name: V'thyra Lharah-
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te-
Pronouns: She/Her-
Birthplace: Gyr Abania-
Height: Around 5 fulms and 8 ilms-
Eye Color: Citrine-
Hair Color: Black-
Age: Around 36 Summers-
Occupation: Adventurer-
Combatant Style: Frontline-
Religion: The Twelve-
Patron Deity: Rhalgr, the Destroyer-
Alignment: Neutral Good-
Spoken Fluency 
Eorzean Common:Native
Doman:Fairly Fluent

Likes & Dislikes

◈ Collecting antiques
◈ Travel by sea
◈ Triple Triad
◈ Sparring, both martial and magical
◈ Practical applications of spells
◈ The Color Red
◈ Rolanberries
◈ Ishgardians
◈ Sharlayan "Cooking"
◈ Gaudy displays of spellcraft
◈ Neutrality


Common Knowledge: ⟐
Uncommon Knowledge: ◇
Requires OOC Consent: ❖

Almost always adorned with the accoutrements of those daring duelists, V'thyra has no qualms making her status as an itinerant Red Mage known. Having been trained in those nearly lost arts by a wandering Gyr Abanian, the Seeker does everything in her power to live up to the expectations set by the Crimson Duelists of yore. Such ia vow is not a simple one to uphold, but it is the price one pays when in service to a cause far greater than one's self.
Wayward as V'thyra most often times is, it is of no surprise that she frequents the many corners of the world in search of leves to work. With fire and sword had she aided against threats both big and small that were brought forward to the Adventurers' Guild, and through this does she support her lifestyle of heroics.
Everyone has a hobby they don't much talk about, and V'thyra is no different. Finding herself fascinated with the inner workings of Triple Triad, she has become obsessed with dueling it out with something other than her blade, though she rarely broaches the matter outside of tournaments.
Although she presents herself as a noble daughter of Ala Mhigo at every opportunity, there is more than just Gyr Abanian blood running within V'thyra's veins. Having been saved at an early age by Garlemald's incursion of her homeland, the Seeker was raised in the scholarly city-state of Sharlayan due to the tireless efforts of her father, Lharah'li Lhakrem. It is a privilege she has been wont to ignore, but nevertheless was she given a comfortable life where she ultimately pursed the same path as her father: that of an honored gleaner.
As their homeland was crushed beneath the boots of Garlemald, the fires of revolution swelled within the hearts of many an Ala Mhigan, and for V'thyra this was no different. The lengths this Seeker went to see her true home returned bordered on fanatical, and as the conflict raged on did she find herself committing to acts most unbecoming of one mostly raised in Sharlayan.
One incident in particular defines her place in the liberation of Ala Mhigo: the slaughter of the Scarlet Spire. It is a topic that V'thyra rarely touches upon and most official records avoid ever mentioning the incident. Just what happened on the fateful day of that massacre?THE SHARLAYAN SITUATION -
Having neglected the offerings of Sharlayan in favor of vengeance upon those who would wreak havoc across Gyr Abania, V'thyra's return to her second home was not a pleasant affair. Accused of aiding those beneath the banner of The Griffin, V'thyra found herself facing The Forum's judgement. Without evidence to support neither her guilt nor innocence, no true verdict was ever officially given, though one thing was clear from the proceedings: V'thyra Lharah has yet to return to Sharlayan ever since.
V'thyra makes no attempts to hide her disdain for most things Coerthan and actively avoids any work that would send her to the Holy See of Ishgard. For one who had so willingly fought beside Ishgardians countless times in the past, it is an oddity that the Seeker avoid even setting foot on Coerthan soil. Had something happened with an Ishgardian in times long past?


Click names for carrds, if these characters have one.

Natsu Yumitori

Status: Alive (21)
Occupation: Adventurer
Brief Description: A strange pairing, an Ala Mhigan and a Garlean, yet there is no one that V'thyra trusts more than Natsu. Though blood may not bind them, they are sisters all the same.

V'zyra Rhosa

Status: Unknown (56)
Occupation: Flamedancer; Mother
Brief Description: A flame snuffed too soon, and one that only lives on through her wayfaring children. Known best for her utilization of thaumaturgy, or perhaps the baseless accusations of black magic.

Lharah'li Lhakrem

Status: Alive (58)
Occupation: Gleaner; Father
Brief Description: A wayfaring gleaner with a penchant for finding trouble, be it with tome-bound inquisitors or disgruntled Nunhs. Caring, but aloof.

Hyltspyr Horskberksyn

Status: Alive (46)
Occupation: Retired Naval Officer
Brief Description: A retired Roegadyn captain that served with distinction with the Maelstrom and a mentor to the ever-errant V'thyra.